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About us

Setting the stage for the future you want

All kids in Australia are entitled to be seen and heard. In fact, it's the law. And it's our aim to make sure it's being followed. Our goals to champion children’s rights to development, safety and justice are:

Social & emotional development through trauma and adversity

Children’s experiences of domestic and family violence

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A rights-respecting approach to youth justice

Who we are

Australia’s leading
child rights organisation

In 2022 we changed the name of Save the Children’s work here in Australia to 54 reasons. We work across Australia delivering local services in every state and territory to help children and young people improve their life outcomes.

The children we work with in Australia told us they wanted something of their own — something more accessible, relevant, playful and engaging. The result? We changed our name and renewed our focus to ensuring the rights of all children living in Australia are at the centre of everything we do.

Our goal is simple — to support children and young people in Australia to learn, grow, dream big, and feel safe and supported, especially those whose rights aren’t being met.

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our Strategy

A new chapter

54 reasons is a new chapter in our local story, and over the next three years we’ll build from our incredible foundation. We’ll grow our impact in areas where child rights aren’t met in deep or consistent ways. To do this, we’ll also:

  • Embed a rights-based approach to practice so that children experience us in a way that is empowering, fun, and at their eye level.
  • Work with partners to lift the conversation on child rights and invest to prove the potential of child voice in systems-change.

Want to read our full strategy? You can download it below.


our goals

How we'll make the strategy happen

Championing children’s rights to development, safety and justice by focusing on three major goals:

Goal 1

Social & emotional development through trauma and adversity

Goal 2

Children’s experiences of domestic and family violence

Goal 3

A rights-respecting approach to youth justice

our promise

Our promise to champion
children’s rights

As Australia’s leading child rights organisation, we are committed to making sure all children know their rights and that we are accountable to them through our work. Developed in consultation with kids of all ages, cultures, and abilities, Our Promise reflects what they told us is most important to them. To uphold Our Promise, we must, as an organisation, embody and embed these commitments at the forefront of our work, ensuring we communicate and reaffirm these with children and young people. We want every child to have the chance to fulfil their dreams.

We will be there for you, be kind to you and respect you

We will make our spaces safe and inclusive for you to play, learn and grow

We will value and celebrate your strengths and diversity, and all the things that make you, YOU!

We will respect your family, culture and community

We will help you feel safe, accepted and confident to join in activities

We will work together and make sure you are heard

We will do our best to help you get the support you need

We will welcome you and together make places where you feel like you can be yourself

We will listen to you when you share your ideas with us

We will ask what’s important to you so we can help you take steps towards your hopes, goals and dreams


We're a part of something bigger

54 Reasons proudly remains a part of Save the Children Australia Group. Our Annual Reports are put out by Save the Children Australia. These reports share what we’re most proud of and show how we’re making a positive impact for children both in Australia and overseas. They highlight how we’re tracking against our global goals. They also include stories from the children themselves, highlighting their experiences and feelings about our work with them. Want to know more? See for yourself the impact we're making to kids here and around the world.

Discover more via Save the Children

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Our people

We're 700 people strong and we're here for you

We are a passionate group of Child Development Specialists, Teachers, Youth Workers, Family Support Practitioners, and more. We are led by an experienced management team — each with strong community connections and sector knowledge. No matter the role, our people bring ideas, guts, and energy to everything they do — to achieve the best possible outcomes for children and their families.

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"One of the parts of my job is watching the children’s confidence grow, from first coming to our playgroup, being really shy, apprehensive children to then coming in and saying, ‘Let’s set up the kitchen today,’ or whatever it may be and really taking ownership of our group."

— Lizzie, Family Support Specialist, Murrumbidgee Region, NSW

Join the 54 reasons’ team

See our open positions

global impact

We're part of the Save the Children global movement

In addition to our work in Australia, which is delivered under the name 54 reasons, Save the Children helps children and families around the world.

The Save the Children Australia Group manages and implements programs that support children in 21 countries in the Pacific region and around the world. The Group also runs several successful social enterprises that specialise in education technology, child safeguarding training, literacy and publishing and research and implementation science. Internationally, Save the Children directly supports about 40 million children in 116 countries annually. Our international work spans countries in Africa, Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, South Central Asia and the Middle East.

Want to learn more about our work outside of Australia?

Discover more via Save the Children

our partners

We work with a like-minded group of partner who are as passionate about child rights as we are. If you're interested in partnering with us get in touch by hitting the link below.

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Our 2023-25 Strategy

Not just a strategy, but our ambition for the next three years

Our Goals

Children’s social and emotional development in regions affected by shared adversity or disaster


Children experiencing domestic and family violence are visible and supported as clients in their own right


Young people are treated with dignity and fairness by a rights-respecting justice system

Our Reasons

You have the right to an education


Your education should help you to thrive, enjoy your rights and understand your responsibilities


You have the right to rest, play and relax


You should be raised by your family, or a guardian who cares about and protects you


You should be protected from being hurt or badly treated


You have the right to food, clothing and safe place to live


You have the right to be treated fairly, even if you commit a crime


You should be helped and treated fairly if you are accused of breaking the law

Our commitments
  • Provide surge services in regions where communities and services are under strain

  • Grow proven school engagement and early years interventions

  • Lift children's voices in decision making to strengthen resilience, preparedness and recovery

  • Demonstrate child-centred approaches to domestic and family violence prevention and response

  • Build services’ capacity to identify and respond to children’s needs through coaching and practical support

  • Join with partners to increase children’s visibility through research, data and advocacy

  • Design and deliver alternatives to criminalisation and detention

  • Partner to demonstrate social and economic benefits of prevention and early intervention

  • Pursue systems-level advocacy underpinned by a children’s voices and a rights perspective

  • Educate children and adults working with them about children’s rights & responsibilities

If we get this right, children will say
  • I can manage my feelings

  • I know how to cope with difficult situations

  • I am ready for school

  • I feel safe and heard

  • I feel connected to others

  • I feel on track with my health and wellbeing I feel safe

  • I have supportive relationships

  • People ask and listen to what I say I need

  • I feel included

  • I know who I can talk to

  • I feel connected to my family and friends

  • I can make positive choices

  • I enjoy learning and am happy with the things I want to be good at

  • I am confident about my future

Our policies

How we stay accountable to you