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Our Approach

Why we do what we do and how we do it

How do we fulfil our promise to champion children and their rights?

When it comes to ensuring the rights of all kids in Australia are being met, good intentions are not enough. It is important that as an organisation, our way of working with you is coordinated, intentional and driven by a shared set of values and principles. We also make sure anyone who’s working with you has the skills and training needed to support you to achieve your goals. This consistent way of working means that we are able to:

  • Speak clearly about why we do what we do and how we do it;

  • Measure and demonstrate that what we do works and achieves the positive change and outcomes that children and young people deserve; and

  • Be really confident that what we are doing is actually working – and if it isn't, we learn from it and change what we’re doing.

Watch the video to find out more about how we will fulfil our promise to you.

How we will work with you

At 54 reasons, we apply an evidence-informed approach to our work. So, what does that mean, exactly? In short, it means we read a lot of books and articles and research papers. But that's not all, we also deeply value and consider the expertise of the people who work for us, as well as you, and any other kids, caregivers and partners we engage with through our work. Blending knowledge from different sources gives us different perspectives and helps us provide you with the best support possible.

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How we’re accountable to kids, including you!

child i view

54 reasons exists so that you understand your rights and are able to enjoy them. All of the people who work at 54 reasons use a guide called, ‘child i view,’ which helps us to be clear about what you can expect from us as a child rights organisation and how we will incorporate child rights into our work in order to help you reach your full potential. child i view articulates ‘why we do’, ‘what we do’ and ‘how we do it’. It includes the following:

Practice skills: skills and approaches our people need to practice on a daily basis to facilitate an environment that upholds children’s rights.
Standards: the base knowledge and mindset that children can expect from us, ensuring safe and effective practice.
Principles: the attitudes and behaviours that guide how we approach our practice and decision making.
Our values are embedded in all we do, inspiring and driving our commitment to children, young people, families and communities.
Read the summary

Child participation (shout out to Article 12)

We place children's voices and their participation at the centre of everything we do – from policies to service delivery, and we advocate for others to do the same. As a child rights organisation, it is our responsibility to provide real and meaningful opportunities for children and young people to engage in issues that matter to them. We want you, and all kids in Australia, to be able to express yourself as fully and freely as possible. Our focus on child participation ensures that:

Children are listened to
Children are supported in expressing their views
Children’s views are taken seriously
Children’s views are taken seriously and considered on matters that are relevant to them
Children are involved in decision making and children share power & responsibility for decisions impacting them. See it in action.
Read the summary

Culture is key

Celebrating diversity and supporting children’s right to culture is at the centre of our work. We understand that to be effective, we must listen deeply and show respect for all people and their right to uphold and strengthen their culture, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs. At 54 reasons, being culturally responsive allows us to support a better understanding of how we engage, learn from, and work with kids and their communities in a cross-cultural context.

Watch the video

Making sure our work…is actually working

As Australia’s leading child rights organisation, we are committed to making sure all children and young people know their rights, and that we are accountable to them through the work we do. Being able to understand and measure the positive difference our services have on the kids we support is a top priority. It is important that we have evidence that demonstrates what we are doing is actually helping. Our focus is on making sure kids engaged with our services are:

Read the summary

Our implementation approach

Bringing child rights to life.

Our services follow the latest science and advice on what works best for kids who want some extra help. To ensure we're delivering on what we say we're going to do, 54 reasons has developed single operating models (or ‘SOMs’ for short) to guide our work. We have SOMs (pronounecd 'sahm') for each of our thematic areas, including:

Youth SOM
Family Support SOM
Early Years SOM
Domestic and Family Violence SOM

Want the DL (down-low) on our SOMs (single operating models)? You're in the right place. Single operating model sounds pretty official, right? Well, it is... sort of. A single operating model really just gives us a clear and consistent way of working with you. It provides structure and guides us and helps us understand whether our work is...actually working! (Imagine that.) Our SOMs explain what we do, why we do it and how we do it. SOMs mean that you can expect a level of service that follows best practice no matter where you live or who's there supporting you. And there's enough wiggle room in each of our SOMs to allow us to tailor our approach so that it's specific to you and what you want to achieve.

Watch the video

Our approach to bringing child rights to life

54 reasons' has single operating models (or ‘SOMs’ for short) for each of our thematic areas, which includes:

Early Years
Domestic and Family Violence
Family Support

This ensures consistency in our services no matter where they’re delivered or who’s delivering them. Our SOMs describe our approaches and interventions and align to each of our intended outcomes. The SOMs guide our work so that we’re able to best support children to achieve their goals.

Watch the video

Our 2023-25 Strategy

Not just a strategy, but our ambition for the next three years

Our Goals

Children’s social and emotional development in regions affected by shared adversity or disaster


Children experiencing domestic and family violence are visible and supported as clients in their own right


Young people are treated with dignity, fairness by a rights-respecting justice system

Our Reasons

You have the right to an education


Your education should help you to thrive, enjoy your rights and understand your responsibilities


You have the right to rest, play and relax


You should be raised by your family, or a guardian who cares about and protects you


You should be protected from being hurt or badly treated


You have the right to food, clothing and safe place to live


You have the right to be treated fairly, even if you commit a crime


You should be helped and treated fairly if you are accused of breaking the law

Our commitments
  • Provide surge services in regions where communities and services are under strain

  • Grow proven school engagement and early years interventions

  • Lift child voice in decision making to strengthen resilience, preparedness and recovery

  • Demonstrate child-centred approaches to domestic and family violence prevention and response

  • Build services’ capacity to identify and respond to children’s needs through coaching and practical support

  • Join with partners to increase children’s visibility through research, data and advocacy

  • Design and deliver alternatives to criminalisation and detention

  • Partner to demonstrate social and economic benefits of prevention and early intervention

  • Pursue systems-level advocacy underpinned by a children’s voices and a rights perspective

  • Educate children and adults working with them about children’s rights & responsibilities

If we get this right, children will say
  • I can manage my feelings

  • I know how to cope with difficult situations

  • I am ready for school

  • I feel safe and heard

  • I feel connected to others

  • I feel on track with my health and wellbeing I feel safe

  • I have supportive relationships

  • People ask and listen to what I say I need

  • I feel included

  • I know who I can talk to

  • I feel connected to my family and friends

  • I can make positive choices

  • I enjoy learning and am happy with the things I want to be good at

  • I am confident about my future

Our approach to bringing child rights to life

54 reasons' has single operating models (or ‘SOMs’ for short) for each of our thematic areas, which includes:

•        Early Years
•        Youth
•        Domestic and Family Violence
•        Family Support

This ensures consistency in our services no matter where they’re delivered or who’s delivering them. Our SOMs describe our approaches and interventions and align to each of our intended outcomes. The SOMs guide our work so that we’re able to best support children to achieve their goals.