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Your voice. Your goals.
Your superpower.

No matter who you are, where you live or what you believe, we’re here for you!

Discover what we're all about

our mission

At 54 reasons, we exist to make rights real for kids all across Australia. With young people's voices at the centre of our work, we provide services aimed at helping you achieve your goals. We also work with kids to change the system — making it better for all kids in Australia.

what we do

What matters to you, matters to us.

Simple, right? As Australia's leading child rights organisation, it is our job to listen to you and take what you say seriously. We're here to help you get through the tough times and achieve your highest hopes and dreams. To support your parents and caregivers when they need an extra hand so your whole family is set up for success. To make sure your ideas are taken seriously by the adults around you. We will work with you to understand your rights and build goals that help you achieve what's important to you.

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child rights

It's your right to have your rights met.

Did you know that in 1989, Australia signed an agreement promising to protect children's rights? By signing this agreement, Australia made a legally-binding promise that every child under the age of 18 living in Australia has these rights. The agreement, aka the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (or UNCRC for short), provides a definition of who children are, describes the rights every child is entitled to and the responsibilities of governments to uphold these rights. Did you also know that all of these rights are connected and cannot be taken away?

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your rights

In your own words

It was nice to have my voice heard, which was an experience I really hadn’t had in our community before.

17-year-old, Taree, NSW

A child right that is important to me is the right to an education - it has a major impact on your life and beneficially changes lives

Stella 13yrs, VIC

Every child should be able to have their own opinion and to be able to express that by being heard by others

Jas 13yrs, VIC

I'm really passionate about right 12, which is the right of children to have their opinions respected, especially on issues that affect children. It's really important that children's opinions are considered as valid as adults

Apurva 16yrs, SA

I need a support system that will make me feel supported and safe. I need material objects that make me feel economically healthy and I enjoy the company of friends, family and others who make me feel loved and happy

12-year-old, City of Yarra, VIC

Article 24 is an important right – that children have the right to have the best health care possible, clean water, healthy food, and a clean and safe home. Without these things you can’t live properly, or have the best life you can

Chloe 14yrs, NT


We've got your back.

We'll listen, and together, we'll come up with a plan to tackle any problems you're having. We can help with the following:

Early Years
Play-based education services for under 5s that make learning fun.
in Schools
Support for students who have experienced trauma or need help reconnecting with their learning.
after Youth
For kids who want help getting back on track after being in contact with the youth justice system.
Information and coaching support for parents with questions or who need an extra hand.
and Family
Accommodation, counselling and outreach support for children and families experiencing violence.
Settling into
Support for newly arrived and migrant children and their families, including school readiness and help connecting with services.
Early Years
Play-based education services for under 5s that make learning fun.
in Schools
Support for students who have experienced trauma or need help reconnecting with their learning
after Youth
For kids who want help getting back on track after being in contact with the youth justice system.
Information and coaching support for parents with questions or who need an extra hand.
and Family
Accommodation, counselling and outreach support for children and families experiencing violence.
Settling into
Support for newly arrived and migrant children and their families, including school readiness and help connecting with services.

about us

Who we're for

We're here to support kids of all ages. You can come to us if you need guidance, extra support or someone to listen. We're also here for the grownups in your life, like your parents, and other adults outside of your family who work to support kids.

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Our services support kids of all ages — including teens like you — who want the best for their future and just need a bit of a hand to get there.

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If you're a parent looking for a little extra support or guidance, we can help by providing practical advice, building up your natural parenting skills and supporting you to make connections within your community that will promote the healthy development of your child.

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We're looking for like-minded individuals and organisations that bring different perspectives - from academics to policymakers to community leaders and educators - to join us in lifting a national conversation about child rights and advance them together.

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Teens like you who want the best for their future and want our support to get there.

our Services


For children & parents

Learning through play - there's nothing more fun. Every week, children aged 0-5 and their caregivers come together to sing songs, play games, build giant block towers and learn by having fun! It's a full two hours of uninterrupted learning bliss!

Discover more

Journey of Hope

Hands on Learning


our Services


For children & parents

Learning through play - there's nothing more fun. Every week, children aged 0-5 and their caregivers come together to sing songs, play games, build giant block towers and learn by having fun! It's a full two hours of uninterrupted learning bliss!

Discover more

Journey of Hope

Hands on Learning


"Every child should be able to have their own opinion and to be able to express that by being heard by others"

— Jas, 13 yrs, VIC

Our Impact

Our reach across Australia

People supported
Children and young people supported
Locations across Australia

work with us

Get involved

Volunteer with us

Our volunteers are amazing people who give their time to support our services and offices throughout Australia. Many of our generous volunteers have been with us for years and we value the support of every single one of them.

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Work with us

Our people are a friendly, non-judgemental and dedicated bunch, delivering services to kids whose rights aren't being met and their families right across regional and remote Australia, as well as in our capital cities and outer suburbs.

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Stand with us

Want to hold adults and decision makers in Australia more accountable to kids? Check out our policy and advocacy positions and join us in sparking a conversation on why child rights is so important even here in Australia.

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